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Winter Knitting

Saturday, the Scamp and I piled in the car and drove two and a half hours north to Rhinebeck for the Dutchess County Sheep and Wool Festival. This is an annual pilgrimage that ushers in winter knitting – it’s barn after barn filled with vendors selling lush fibers, as well as tools, soaps and candles, buttons and jewelry, and…angora rabbits.


I had a resolution only to buy yarns that delighted me.


Scamp and I could not stop squeezing that pale-green alpaca.

It was a beautiful day – crisp air, blue sky, gorgeous foliage.



We lingered by a fish pond.


And we goofed around while resting between barn tours.




If anyone doubts that knitters are a large constituency, they should have a look at this:


This was just a fraction of the people who attended. Everyone was there for yarn. Marketers should be thinking about this.

We brought home our treasures for winding.


Scamp likes to do the winding.


Because we have a little machine that does the tedious work for us:


Now we’re all wound up and ready for our projects. A sweater vest for Bernardo (tweed alpaca), a loop scarf for Scamp (out of that green alpaca), a scarf out of that sparkly mesh. Lots to do.


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